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DESIGNPRO Insurance Group Blog

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Building Blocks - February 2019

The topic of the February issue of Building Blocks is "Sealing & Stamping Design Professional Documents in Ohio." Take a moment to read the do's and don'ts of using your professional seal on documents.

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Building Blocks - January 2019

The New Year always brings about resolutions. This month Eric discusses the "Top 10 New Years' Resolutions for Design Professionals." Read the January newsletter to find out what the Top 10 Best Practices are and...

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Building Blocks - December 2018

Don't end up being on Santa's naughty list. In the December issue of Building Blocks we discuss how giving or receiving gifts can lead to trouble.

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Building Blocks - November 2018

Do words have power? Yes, they definitely do. Read the November issue of Building Blocks to understand how certain words can impact your contracts.

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Building Blocks - October 2018

The October issue of Building Blocks is now available. The featured article this month covers Warranties & Guarantees Clauses in your agreements.

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Building Blocks - September 2018

The September issue of BUILDING BLOCKS is available. Contractual Defense Protection - A New Solution for the Old "Duty to Defend" Problem is the topic this month.

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Building Blocks - August 2018

This month in Building Blocks, our topic is Reasons to Maintain and Reveal Your Client's Confidential Information. Please take a moment to leave us a comment or ask a question about this article. Also, be sure send in...

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Building Blocks - July 2018

The topic of the July issue of Building Blocks is about ownership of documents - drawings, specifications, reports, and other documents.

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Building Blocks - June 2018

It's June and we are in the heart of "Construction Season". The June issue of Building Blocks is about complying with laws during design and construction. Be sure to mark your calendar for our upcoming CE Programs...

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Building Blocks - May 2018

The May issue of Building Blocks covers RFI's. Please take a moment to share your thoughts on this month's article and let us know if there is a topic you would like covered in a future issue of our newsletter.

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